Report in Journal of Environment Economics and Management suggest China overtook the US in 2006-2007 as top greenhouse gas emitter. Warns that unchecked future growth will dwarf any emission cuts made by rich countries under Kyoto. (14/04/2008)
- Univ of California researchers reporting in Journal of Environment Economics and Management
- China surpassed US greenhouse gas emissions in 2006-2007
- report warns that "unless China radically changes its energy policies, its increases in greenhouse gases will be several times larger than the cuts in emissions being made by rich nations under the Kyoto protocol"
- current computer models substantially underestimate future emissions growth in China
- "all those concerned about climate change agree that China's emissions are a problem - including China itself"
- China and UN insist that rich countries with higher per capita levels of pollution must cut emissions first and help poorer countries to invest in clean technology
- America's per capita emissions five to six times higher than China's
- Auffhammer: "There is no sense pointing a finger at the Chinese. They are trying to pull people out of poverty and they clearly need help. The only solution is a massive transfer of technology and wealth from the West."
- "an eventuality which is unlikely"