Thursday, June 26, 2008

Major Progress In Technology Needed For 25 Percent Renewable Energy Use To Be Affordable - ScienceDaily

A RAND Corporation study finds that dramatic progress in renewable energy technology is needed if the United States desires to produce 25 percent of its electricity and motor vehicle fuel from renewable sources by 2025, without significantly increasing consumer costs. Finds that biomass resources and wind power have the greatest potential to contribute toward reaching the 25 x '25 goal. A large, inexpensive and easily converted biomass supply is essential if it is to be used as a renewable resource and still have a limited impact on consumers' wallets. Developing such a supply would require harvesting energy crops at a scale that greatly exceeds current production. Significant increases in the use of wind power are possible, but only with substantial technical advances to facilitate greater use of less-productive locations. (Published: 26/06/08)

  • currently renewable energy provides:
    • 9.5 percent of total U.S. electricity supply
      • mostly hydroelectric power
    • and 1.6 percent of motor vehicle fuel
  • study by the RAND Environment, Energy and Economic Development program
    • requested by the Energy Future Coalition, a nonprofit environmental organization
    • study considered technological and economic factors that would affect the costs of renewable energy as well as non-renewable fossil fuels
    • provides a "snapshot" of the nation's potential energy expenditures if a requirement was imposed that 25 percent of electricity and motor vehicle fuels used in the United States by 2025 would come from renewable resources
      • a goal activists have described as "25 x '25"
    • finds that biomass resources and wind power have the greatest potential to contribute toward reaching the 25 x '25 goal
  • Michael Toman, director of the RAND Environment, Energy and Economic Development program:
    • "Expanding the use of renewable fuels will lower the long-term price of crude oil and reduce carbon dioxide emissions that are contributing to global warming."
    • "However, to reap these benefits will require a major investment in improving and increasing the use of renewable energy technology."
  • Biomass resources
    • e.g. stalks from food crops, wood material and grasses
    • can be turned into ethanol or gasoline that can power motor vehicles.
    • study finds, however, that a large, inexpensive and easily converted biomass supply is essential if it is to be used as a renewable resource and still have a limited impact on consumers' wallets
    • Developing such a supply would require harvesting energy crops at a scale that greatly exceeds current production.
    • Toman: "Without increased biomass availability, expanded renewable energy use could impose economic burdens and result in environmental setbacks due to land conversion."
  • Among the study's other key findings:

    • Renewable energy technology will have to improve at the very significant pace envisioned by some renewable energy supporters in order to enjoy low-cost impacts.
    • Significant increases in the use of wind power are possible, but only with substantial technical advances to facilitate greater use of less-productive locations.
    • More moderate renewable energy targets -- such as 15 or 20 percent -- reduce expenditure impacts more than proportionately, though carbon dioxide reductions also are less significant.
    • The federal government's policy approach to pricing of renewable motor fuels will significantly affect fuel demand and society's total energy expenditures.